You may be curios what others have shared about their counselling experience with me.  Here is some feedback from some of my clients…

My counsellor, by giving me confidence and perseverance in each of our counselling sessions, helped me to feel more confident and secure in my life. Because of all the positive changes that counselling has brought into my life, I would certainly recommend Shirin to others in need.
My relationship with my counsellor was based on honesty. She built a rapport and created a counselling relationship where I could trust her and would be able to tell her about every aspect of my problems and my broken relationship without being worried that my words might be said somewhere else.
I am grateful that my counselling sessions took place in a private, safe and confidential environment. Through this counselling experience I gained awareness that I shouldn’t sacrifice myself in any relationship, and that I need to value and appreciate myself.
During the counselling sessions many solutions were suggested which by doing some of them many changes occurred, not only in my marriage, but also in my relationships with my friends and my colleagues.
This counselling experience helped me to find out some weaknesses in my character and also in my relationship with my spouse that before this counselling experience I was never aware of them.

Would you like to provide feedback?

If you would like to provide me with feedback as a result of our sessions, please email me using the link below.

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